Money Help and Advice
If you or someone you know is struggling with money you can find a list of organisations below that can give free help and advice. We've also added some basic money advice as a guide to what to do next, depending on your situation.
I'm struggling with debts
It's always best to get help with debts as soon as possible, and you'll feel much better once you start. Lots of people are struggling with money, particularly with debt, so you're not alone, and there's always something that can be done. Avoid using companies who will charge you for their debt management service, as this reduces the amount paid back to creditors and can mean you pay much more back. It may take a little while longer to get an appointment with a free debt advisor, but the important thing is to get started straight away.
There are different solutions to being in debt depending on your circumstances - everything from a simple debt agreement or management plan to full bankruptcy. Your adviser will be able to guide you through the options and help you find a solution.
For debt advice in Middlesbrough you can contact one of the following: CAB, Middlesbrough Debt Advice, StepChange (CCCS) , Cleveland Housing Advice Centre (CHAC) , Christians Against Poverty. Click the links to get their contact details. If your problems relate to gambling, drinking or drug use see the section below.
If you live outside of Middlesbrough you can still contact your local CAB office, StepChange (CCCS) or your local authority for details of other free organisations in your area.
I have a benefit problem
Many people, including those in work, claim benefits and things can often go wrong when circumstances change. The test for many benefits has also changed recently, and lots of people are affected.
For free benefit advice in Middlesbrough you can contact one of the following: CAB, Middlesbrough Welfare Rights, Tandem (Erimus and Tees Valley Housing tenants only), Cleveland Housing Advice Centre (CHAC). Click the links to get their contact details.
If you live outside of Middlesbrough you can still contact your local CAB office or your local authority for details of other free organisations in your area.
I struggle to manage my own money
There are lots of online services available to help you manage your money, and a few face to face services that you might be able to turn to depending on your situation.
If you're an Erimus Housing or Tees Valley Housing tenant, you can call their Tandem team for help, and get some basic budgeting advice face to face. Tandem can also help with benefit problems and can refer you to other advice services for things like debt.
Other services in the town like Surestart, Jobcentre Plus, local colleges and Five Lamps may also offer help, information or courses about managing your money. If you struggle to understand money at all or are a vulnerable person, you might be able to get help from Social Services (Social Care).
If you live outside of Middlesbrough you should contact your local authority for more information in your area.
I have a drug, alcohol or gambling problem
If you want help with any of these problems your first option should be your GP, who can refer you in to the right support service. There are lots of services available to give help, advice and support that can really make a difference. Lots of people suffer with these problems, which can all have a big impact on how people manage with money. It's always better to get help as soon as possible. Just some of the services that can help include: The Albert Centre , Middlesbrough Alcohol Treatment Service , Platform Middlesbrough (under 18s) , Recovery Connections , NECA , Gamblers Annonymous , Gamcare
If you live outside of Middlesbrough you should contact your local authority, GP or search online for services in your area.