Annual General Meeting
We will be Holding our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 23rd August 2023 from 6.00pm,
it will be held at Middlesbrough Community Centre, Clifton Street TS1 4BZ.
Entrance to the AGM is free.
Pie and Pea supper afterwards is £2.50 a ticket , tickets are now on sale and are available from your local collection point .
There will also be a picture quiz, tombola and raffle.
If you require more information please contact us on 01642 210915 or email
Office opening times and Collection points
23rd August, 2021
At the shop, we have now resumed normal opening hours which are: -
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9:15am-3:00pm, Closing between 12:30pm- 1:00pm for lunch.
A number of our collection points have also reopened;
Langridge Initiative Centre , Wednesday - 9:00am -11:00am
Grove Hill Community Hub, Wednesday -9:00am- 10:30am
Breckon Hill Community Centre, Wednesday 10:00am - 11:00am
Thorntree Hub, Thursday - 9:15am - 11:15 am
North Ormesby Hub, Tuesday and Thursday 10:00am - 11:00am
Coronavirus/Covid 19
March 23, 2020
Responding to the needs of our members AND our staff, Pioneer has taken the decision to reduce the opening hours of the shop on Newport Road. We understand that it is important for people to have access to their money so we will continue to open on a daily basis. However we must also be socially responsible and ensure that we operate within the government's guidelines and be aware of the needs of our staff, most of whom come under the most vulnerable categories (over 70 and/or with underlying health conditions).
From Tuesday 24th March until further notice, we will be open from 9.30 till 12 noon Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. If you cannot attend during these times, you can either set up a standing order, make transfers using online banking or make payments using your bank card over the phone. For further details on any of these methods, ring 01642 210915 or 07904292696 or email on
If you normally withdraw cash, you can provide your bank details over the phone and, on successful completion of the security checks, we can do the transfers remotely. If you do come to the shop, in line with Government guidelines, we will limit the number of people allowed in at any one time. However, to protect yourselves and others, please only come if it is essential.

Paper Fivers No Longer Currency
May 04, 2017
As of midnight tonight the paper fiver ceases to be legal tender following the release of the new fiver in November 2016. Though no longer accepted in shops you can still swap them at the Bank of England.
The new pound coin was released on the 28th March 2017 and will be in circulation along with the old pound coin until the 15th October 2017 when the old pound coin will join the paper fiver and cease to be legal tender.
Looking forwards this summer we are set to see the new tenner which will feature author Jane Austin. The Bank of England have yet to confirm the issue date.

Growing Again
April 23, 2017
The Board of Pioneer Credit Union is pleased to announce that the meger of Pioneer with 5 Communities (5Cs) Credit Union is now complete and we want to welcome all members and volunteers from 5Cs to the Pioneer family.
5Cs has served the communities of Grove Hill, Saltersgill, Easterside, Beechwood and Marton Grove since 1991. However, its Board has found it incrreasingly difficult to persuade members to lend a hand and the task of keeping the credit union running has fallen to Brian and Betty, neither of whom is in the best of health, so it seemed logical to become part of the bigger credit union so that they could receive the help and support they need and the members can access a wider range of services should they wish.
Brian and Betty will continue to play an important part in the running of the collections etc. and these will continue as before.
This latest merger takes the membership of Pioneer to almost 3000, and more importantly takes the total assets of the organisation to over £1m.
Hopefully we will be back soon with some exciting news about some of the schools in our area!! In the meantime, if you have any queries or want information about our services, please do not hesitate to call into any collection point (full list on the Service Points page), email or phone us or call into the office during opening hours.

October 24, 2016
Pioneer has at last opened shop premises on Brentnall St. After the sale of the CNE building, Pioneer had to find a new home and were lucky enough to find the shop unit at 18 Brentnall St that gives us a "town centre" presence without having to pay "town centre" prices. On International Credit Union Day - 20th October - the new shop was opened by Mrs Mary Lane, the oldest volunteer with the Credit Union. Mrs Lane was 81 in September and, last year, had a bleed on the brain that meant she had too endure a major operation. Despite this, she was back at her desk on collection in Acklam Library within 8 weks. A real star ndeed! To celebrate our opening, we, in conjunction with the England Illegal Money Lending Team, are offering an incentive to new members who join before the 3rd November. Anyone joining before then, and saving for 10 of the following 13 weeks will qualify for a £25 bonus. Also, any existing member who recommends a friend within that time will qualify for a £5 bonus as soon as their friend meets the savings requirement. To begin with, our new premises will be open on Mon and Tues. from 10 am till 2 pm and on Thurs and Fri from 10 am till 12 pm. Wednesdays and Thursday afternoon will be by appointment only.